Friday, September 12, 2014

Friday Freedom

I should be running right now.  My six o'clock date on Friday is waiting patiently as the sun has not shown her pretty face.  The dark is not nearly as inviting.  So I will wait.  And in waiting, it frees me up to focus on capturing some of our most recent adventures here in this tiny space.
Life is grand in the biggest busiest way imaginable.  Four school aged kids brings a whole host of logistical issues on a daily basis.  Who needs to be where: practice, ortho appointments. . .you name it and we do it.

 This week alone there was some disappointment with not making the football team but I'm so happy he tried out.  There was a phone call home from the nurse and then our first visit to Urgent Care for antibiotics.  There was a late night conversation which involved the laptop and looking at grades and sifting through pages in a folder to find a couple missing assignments.  Therefore, this weekend has been proclaimed The Weekend of Organization.  Zeroes are just not permitted in this house.  We have some work to do.
Speaking of work, we meet with our homeschool ES today for the first time.  I'm curious as to how Nessa does.  I've been thinking to put her in afternoon preschool two days a week because the girl is so attached to me now.  I'm already having visions of the first day of kinder and it's a bit unsettling.  There are only six kids in the pm. session so I am considering it.  It would give her a place to go when I teach my writing class too, so maybe.  Just maybe.

Dad celebrated a birthday a week ago.  It's weird but it made me think about my grandparents and how young they were when they died yet how old I was. It is so reversed now.  My parents and my kids are young so I pray for good health and long years of learning from their wisdom.
There's a new member of the family.  Well, not our family exactly but she's close enough to visit often and love her up.
And that cute fourth grader right there made it on student council.  He pursued it and grabbed the honor.  I'm proud of his effort and that he wants to serve his school.
Late one night this week, I got the painting bug.  Mom got this out of the neighbor's trash and I decided to have some fun with it.  I don't think I'm all that creative, but I do have some fun making old things new!  I have a chair that needs my attention next!

Lots of things need my attention, but the people are my more immediate concern.  We are a month into the school year and life is settling in and I'm grateful for this season to be home and fully present with everyone.  Not a day goes by that I don't thank God for these gifts he's given me.

The sun is out now.  But as is our life. . .another kids in the carpool got sick so I need to drive the kids to school today AND our ES comes at nine.  It never ends this balancing act we try to do.  We are moms.  Hear us roar!

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