Sunday, September 21, 2014

My Best Yes Left me With a Peace I've Never Known Before

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.--John 14;27

For some reason these words seem to follow me around all day and night, sneaking into my thoughts when I least expect them, so I thought it might be worth spending some time thinking about why. I don't feel like I'm at a point in life where fear lives, nor is my heart troubled by decision making or anything happening on the home front. . .however, this peace that I have about being home in this season is nothing short of amazing.  And maybe that's why God keeps whispering this verse over and over to me. It was only in surrendering to Him that I have come to know peace like this.  It's the kind that covers me softly day in and day out.  It might not be in the shape of a bigger house, or more money in the bank but it is the kind that matters most nonetheless. It was finding my best yes. 

It's the kind I notice both physically and mentally.  I am more relaxed and embracing the chaos of having four children underfoot. This mama work matters despite naysayers and all these well intentioned, opinionated people who say this or that flippantly.  And what in the world can I find to DO all day long? Plenty.  The thing is, I don't even have to justify it with an answer because this is the journey E and I are on. This works for us. . .for now.  End of story. And I am savoring the journey.  I am excited for the tasks I have my fingers in: character education at the kid's school, interview panel for their new assistant principal, writing class with my fourth grade girls, homeschooling my Nessa Bessa, taking hot lunch to my fourth grader. . .ALL these things are my best yes for now. And they are enough.


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