Monday, September 22, 2014

Recalling Our Week

We went to the fair during a heat wave.  It was miserably hot and I was miserably sick.  No fun for me but the kids enjoyed themselves...and grandma kept them cool with her sprayer.
After our unit on apples, we just had to stop and pick a few.
Later that day, grandma saved the day and took the kids back to the fair so our Mr. Classroom Representative could ride on the school float.  He had quite the time participating in his first parade.  I'm thankful for friends who forward me pictures...

Being a sickie called for my first pumpkin spiced latte from Starbucks.  Ernie tends to take good care of me when I'm under the weather.  I am blessed.
I just love our snuggle time.  She talks and tells me so much.  She touches my face and tells me how much she loves me and I cherish that she still crawls into my lap and lets me baby her.

This little guy celebrated his second birthday.  Hard to handle that he's the baby of the whole family. . .the baby that runs and plays with the big kids like he is one of them because he is. . .kind of to some extent:(
Cross Country was cancelled due to the heat so we played around a bit instead.

A volleyball skills class started this week. Lene's friend Layla is in it with her.  I think it will help get her ready for the season.  I'm thrilled she has a sport that she wants to play.  One more year until she can take drama at her school...her first love.
Just a little reminder of God's promises.  As if I needed it. . .but I thoroughly enjoyed it.
I was playing with  my new phone during Janessa's dentist appointment.  This is a cool little feature I discovered.
Just another beautiful view of our glorious sky.  I love when I'm not too busy to notice these gifts--the ones right in front of me or above me.
 I'd love to say we were off to a date night BUT it was JJ's birthday party. . .family time is the next best thing.
Our Sunday consisted of church and cleaning and laundry and lounging.  All good ways to spend with the people I love.
I got in a fight with dirt while planting.  Just keeping it real.

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