Saturday, October 25, 2014


There have been multiple times this week that I have rejected the floor that needed to be swept, the dishes that needed to be done, and the laundry that piles up.  There were friends in crisis who took precedence over all other things.  I was reminded yet again of how God can use our struggles for good. 28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who[a]have been called according to his purpose.--Romans 8:28.

I remember how years ago I struggled through my first and only miscarriage.  I was so frightened and very sad.  I felt like I was the only one who had ever suffered such a loss.  In my circle, I was the first. . .but I would not be the last. Four very close friends would go on to suffer through their own loss and I was able to empathize and comfort because I had already been through it. I felt their pain, I knew what the aftermath of such loss looked like and felt like. Good came from my grief.  And now, all of us know our babies are waiting for us on the other side and it is such a beautiful picture to think of them all up in heaven together until we meet again.

Most recently, God is using my struggle with anxiety to walk another friend through a particularly dark time.  I act surprised by God using me in this way...but as I've been exploring in bible study this last month, why NOT me? His ways are so much bigger and better than mine.  

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