Monday, December 1, 2014

And in the Blink of an Eye. . .

She turned five!!!!

Thanksgiving and her fifth birthday all rolled into one.
It seemed especially fitting because she is definitely one to be thankful for.
Like her mama, she seems to balance things out; ease people.
Her smile and easy going nature just brings about a quite comfortable peace.
And that is a gift I am thankful for.
Her and her Nino.

Love From Nina

Shenanigans with Little and Kendra
Probably the only shot I took that wasn't birthday related.

Her little buddy. Ten days apart.
She is front and center of mom and dad.

Thanksgiving 2014 looked very different from years past.  It was quiet.  It was small.  We weren't all together for the first time in a very long time.  There were some gaps.  There were some small moments of missing.
But there were even bigger moments of peace. Joy. Happiness.  

I am reminded how Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."--Matthew 19:14\

There were certain times throughout the evening, while kids played ball, ran in and out of doors, feasted on the patio, and licked ice cream off plates that I realized they were oblivious to the haunting hurts: dad's friend who passed away six years before, the neighbor who died this summer, but whose husband invited us over, Anthony being with his dad, hurt feelings or pain we adults carry burdened by our pasts. . .the kids missed it all.
They only enjoyed the present, lived it for every little thing it had to offer.
They were thankful in its fullest capacity.
To be five again. . .or at least to live like it.
Try it.
Or die trying.


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