Monday, February 16, 2015

Desert Delight

Me: a really long time ago

A couple of weeks ago, I did something I don't care too much for.  I took one for the team and said, "Yes" to a day trip to the desert.  I am not a desert girl.  I may have grown up going there with my grandparents, but eventually when the dust settled, I realized the desert was not for me.

Our 1st trip out in the Polaris
One of the original desert trips
It must have been the experience of being with my grandparents that made desert life so appealing when I was a kid.  My grandma always had a stocked pantry in the trailer and there was always plenty to do with the cousins.  My grandpa would take me out in the dune buggy and not try to terrify me.  We would go at a safe, sane speed and he would point out rocks and trails and things of interest.  The wind and dirt in my face might have been considered fun then, because I was with the greatest grandpa on earth.  My grandpa was so kind, gentle, funny, and such a good husband.  He was easy to be around and when I think about it now, I could see Jesus through him.  He was always offering help, attending assemblies and such when parents couldn't, he would drop off and pick up so visits could happen. . .and he treated my grandma like a princess. He loved her and it showed.
Arlene and Shelby Gaul: your maternal Great Grandparents

My grandpa was the gentle one; the one we went on walks with looking for aluminum cans. the one who watched us play at the park. He was the one with the loudest laugh and the happiest heart.  All I remember is love.  That guy. . .in the yellow Volvo until it was no longer safe to drive was such an easy man to be around and love.  My first ride on the Amtrack train was with him, a trip to my first trout farm, and I remember a metal dingy boat on some water I think might have been Salton Sea.  His snoring was fierce and comforting, his presence loud and known even in slumber.  Grandpa Shelby was a good man.

I'm so happy Bean got to know him.  He got to love her. . .even if it was only for a little while.
Grandpa Shelby at Lene Bean's Baptism

 This man whom Ernie called, "Chief"  meant a lot to me.  I don't know that I even realized how much until he was already gone.  He was always in the background. . .I realize my grandma performed actions out of love, but in such a way that sometimes she was impatient or rough around the edges.  My grandpa; however, did what he did out of love: with gentleness and pure enthusiasm.  We were never a burden.  I always felt like I was a gift.  And therein lies the greatest gift I long to leave my kids.  The legacy of love colored brightly by our love of Christ who loved us first.
Great Grandpa Shelby Gaul and me on my wedding day.  He got out of the hospital THAT morning!

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