Thursday, May 28, 2015

School's Out for TK

Dear Janessa,

This has been a dream year.  You have not always been the dream student, nor have I always been the dream teacher, but I like to think that these are days to remember.  I imagine one day when I am old and gray, sitting on my rocker on my porch, I will think back to this year as one of my happiest ever.  I got to do what I love: teach to someone I love: you.  There are so many moments etched in my memory forever.  I will always remember you yelling out "I did it, mama!"  simultaneously beaming and reaching out to hug me.  That precious memory alone brings tears to my eyes as I type that.  Do you know how many times I had the pleasure of hearing you and hugging you?  Countless.  Countless times it was I who witnessed the moment where after practice, you were able to master a skill.  Joy.  I am counting it all as joy, sweet girl.
Celebrating the little mile stones, being your teacher, going on adventures, and having my mamacita to do my daily chores with was such a blessing on this mama heart.  I had forgotten the joy that teaching brings after seventeen years filled with politics and checked out parents.  The good days were few and far between.  Ths year changed that.  I was reminded there are many ways to do what I love and feel fulfilled.  You taught me so much more than I taught you.  Days of Barbie and Littlest Pet shops, Dora and sweet picture books made me dig deep and rediscover the joy and wonder that children innately have.
Dance on Mondays.

Master Negotiator

Cooking Class

Geography Lessons via Nina

Expert Jam Maker
 This year was kind of like childbirth.  Thinking back, I remember more joy than pain.  I know hard days existed.  I know we both learned how to say sorry and move on so as not to spoil a whole day.  I know we could have done more had I better planned every day, but perhaps that is where the real beauty lay.  A year of days was set before us and for the most part we made the best of them and adventured together.  We learned.  We sang. We danced.  We pretended. We grew.  We are both different because we had this year together, and for that I am extremely grateful.

My little homeschooler, how I will miss you.  But first, SUMMER FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All my love,


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