Sunday, July 10, 2011

July 10, 2011

Happy 8th Birthday, Lene!
(Each year since birth, I always write them a birthday letter, seal it and put it in a special box.)
Here is the beginning of this year's letter...
My Dearest Angel Girl,

Happy birthday!  Eight years ago God blessed us with you. That day my life was forever changed for the better.  You made me a mama!!  It seems that you have become so much more independent this year, which hardly seems possible--because you have been strong willed and fiercely independent since infancy.  I've said it before and I will say it again--these are traits that I know will serve you well in your future.  You know what you want, go after it, and are very persistent in the process!

This year though, your independence took on a life of its own--you can cross the street by yourself.  You even asked me not to pick you up at your doorway. You could do it.  The thing is, I know this--it was just hard for me to watch it happen before my very eyes.  Now, I stand at the corner--sometimes I wave, sometimes I don't have to and you venture out to the crossing guard on your own.  You read independently, but oh how I look forward to our read alouds together.  I love that you still snuggle up to me to listen.  You ride your bike down the block--you've made friends with the family down the street with the girl your age and I can't see you as you play out front in her yard but I know you know the rules and you do a good job of following them for the most part.

You have reading glasses. . .just like me and it makes me smile to think how proud you are to wear them--how you often tell me we look alike.  I'm so glad you can see me in you even if it's only in this small little way for now because your dad definitely has the dominant traits in the looks department!!  But your beautiful curls and tanned skin...oh, to have a clue about either of those. I wouldn't know, but I look at you and you radiate what is beautiful.  Your love of life, laughter, silliness, inquisitive nature. . .

(and it continues for her eyes only. . .)

Raising Homemakers

1 comment:

  1. ya'll have had birthday celebrations! how fun!

    popping in to say hello to the other sugar babies! yeah blog sugar!

    i'm hosting a july giftaway - anthropologie pillow and some goodies! i hope you'll enter!


Thanks for stopping by! I would love to hear what you have to say: ) May blessings abound always!!