Monday, March 19, 2012

March 19, 2012

We are halfway into our Lenten sacrifice of giving up the television.  It has been difficult on some days because the television drowns out the noise of life sometimes.  At the end of a day, weary, the t.v. beckons you to sit mindlessly and escape whatever the reality of your day was.  When the television is on, it's okay not to converse deeply with your spouse because it's this unspoken understanding that you are done. Feet up, chair reclined, comfortable from head to toe...done.

Without the noise, I have found my husband on the computer, or HP pad, searching, in my opinion mindlessly.  For what? A Porsche.  He has this dream of owning a Porsche.  Now keep in mind, it would not be to commute--he drives over an hour and a half one way to work each day. . .it would also not fit the number of children we have. . .nor do we have a parking place for it (remember our house is on the smaller side--think one and a half car garage) nor do I see the value in it if he just wants to park it.

So, last night I asked him why he wastes his time looking at something that isn't a possibility for now. His reply was simple, "Everyone needs a dream." 
He's right.
My cosmic postcard waiting for me this morning was the image above.
God's little whisper not to shatter his dream. . .
Chase rainbows, friends. 
Chase rainbows.

1 comment:

Thanks for stopping by! I would love to hear what you have to say: ) May blessings abound always!!