The kids have been out of school a week, and I still have two days left. . .but I realized I never wrote about Lene's play,
We Are Off to Find Some Character. This play will be remembered because the message was so appropriate for children these days. . .be a good citizen, thoughtful, and nice. And also because Lene auditioned for the lead--and nailed it (as per her teacher). Before tryouts, I suggested she go for the narrator since there were seven. . .she looked at me and said, "Geez, mom--have a little faith." Ouch. Lesson learned. She belongs up there shining His light: )
She even had a solo! |
Loveliness against a lovely backdrop. |
This girl has been a close friend since kinder. I can't believe they are fourth graders now~ |
The scarecrow she is standing next to. . .known each other since pre-school. My, how time flies! |
Thankful for strong women in her life that support her endeavors and cheer her on from the front row. |
Mom and my little performer. |
The show was fantastic--I loved how all the kids were so involved in it--the chorus and appropriate songs filled with meaning and truths. Absolutely adorable. Then there was my daughter, up on that stage--doing what she loves. . .and only because she has written this verse on her heart. . .
"I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength."
So thankful she practiced her faith and put herself out there to audition. I know I am the mom and I do what I can to teach her worthwhile lessons that will positively effect her life and those lives she touches, but I learn from her too. Yes. I do.
Oh so sweet. I'm glad she had fun in her play. :)