Monday, July 16, 2012

July 16, 2012

Last week was a long one.  Not because of the back to back birthdays or swimming, or sleepovers, or art activities.  It was a week of waiting. . .waiting to see what is going on with the house.  Things were moving along rather swimmingly, until the house appraised for $31,000 less than our sale price.  That's a bit of a problem for us because we can't justify spending that much more for something that is not worth it.  First we waited for the appraiser's rebuttal, and now we continue to wait on the bank.  If we don't hear anything by Wednesday we will have to file another extension...which just pushes our move in date back, I suppose.  Nothing like having it all planned out and then nothing goes according to plan, right?

I guess the good in all of this, because there can always be a silver lining--is that I pulled out my handy dandy Child Training Bible and looked up impatience.  Just that act alone made me very aware of the impatient thoughts and feelings I was having and reminded me all I can control or rely on is prayer.  So, I have been meditating on this soul food:

"Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him; fret not yourself over the one who prospers in his way, over the man who carries out evil devices!"--Psalm 37:7

"Better is the end of a thing than its beginning, and the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit."--Ecclesiastes 7:8

"Ah, Lord God!  It is you who have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and by your outstretched arm!  Nothing is too hard for you!"--Jeremiah 32:17

And my personal favorite for this season:

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.
 Philippians 4:6-8

I will be feasting on these verses in this time of waiting.  Like I tell my kids, 
"there's always a lesson. . ." Learning and leaning more today that I was yesterday, and more tomorrow than I am today.
 Of course, this favorite church song echoes across my mind as if on repeat. . ."wait upon the Lord, we will wait upon the Lord. . ." Can you relate?

1 comment:

  1. I am praying for you during this period of waiting. Your message today served as great encouragement for me. I am in a huge season of waiting. My goal was to have my PhD two years ago but I'm still working on my dissertation. I'm discouraged and disappointed. But I was reminded through your blog message that a patient spirit is better than a proud spirit. Pride is a huge issue because I have become embarrassed when friends/family ask when am I going to finish my degree. I solicit your prayers. Thank you for sharing from your heart.


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