A new year. . .a new word. This year I'm feeling called to FOCUS. Over the past several years I've been refining and simplifying and leaning into God's word and His plan for my life. But this year, I didn't find this word. It found me.
I've incorporated all kinds of practices that have enabled me to build my relationship with Christ which has benefitted my marriage and family greatly, but now I must focus on these relationships-- that they are God-centered and nourished by His word. Some of what I try to do isn't always from the heart--I want it to be, I really do. . .but sometimes it's just checking something off my list of things to do and I really want that to change.
2 Focus your minds on the things above, not on things here on earth.--Colossians 3:2
"fixing our eyes on Jesus(FOCUS), the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God."--Hebrews 12:2
I want to seek the joy in all that I experience day in and day out. Life is such a gift. . .we know this and yet we still squander some of our days away. Why??? For me, I know that I am easily distracted. In my pursuit of holiness, knowledge, or raising kingdom kids. . .I am always seeking information; better ways of doing what we do; shortcuts, tips, ideas. You name it, I can google it. My phone is far too readily available to check out what's going on else where, to research information that may or may not be useful in that moment, or the many moments that follow. But still I seek. I waste real present moments in an attempt to make things better, but the truth is I am missing out on God's best right in front of me.
Notice the blurriness of this picture? It wasn't on purpose. Even in reaching for my phone to capture a moment of Nessa Bessa exhibiting balance on the step--I missed the details by looking at it from behind the lens. I didn't see the way she bit her lip until her teacher pointed it out to me. I missed the way the curls fell around her face; how her toes dug into the soft mat, the way she raised her eyes to meet mine to make sure I was watching. I saw some of that the second time around, but I am sure it wasn't the same as the first. I just know it. I don't want to miss out on the present because I'm too busy thinking ahead to the future or hanging on to the past behind the camera.. .I want to be in the moment, of the moment, at the moment. I want to truly experience every single thing the moment has to offer.
I need to focus on who I am with, when I am with them. Be it my kids, my husband, my friends. . .I need to focus and be intentional with the sincerity of my time. I need to keep my focus on Him so He can use me for all of them. It's a simple concept really. Focus on Him and the rest will fall into place. This year I don't want to be bombarded by the blurry. I want to keep my eyes focused on Him to appreciate all that every single day has to offer. I just know that this will be a year of growth, restoration and peace if I focus on Him. Happy 2014, can't wait to see what He has in store for us!
great post. ironically i was just talking to my emilie today about having the eyes of Christ, and focussing on the the heart instead of the outward, about not having the same blurred vision the world has. I also want to say that I really enjoy your instagram pix. it's evident that you focus and DELIGHT on God's goodness in your life.