Monday, June 2, 2014

Busy is as Busy Does

The days keep coming.  Time stands still for no one.  As we near the finish line, a sense of sheer exhilaration and exhaustion wrap me up and push me through.  There aren't enough hours in the day to do what I want to do for everyone, to be who I want to be, and to be in the word so I'm properly fueled.  Sometimes at the end of the day I'm electric with all that went right in my world; yet, there are nights where sleep doesn't come because my mind won't stop with people to pray for or situations that are exhausting with no immediate solution in sight.  And such is this life:  striving to be the best version of me I can be, urging my kids to be world changers and desire to know their heavenly father, and walking the balance beam of friendships new and old and all the woman issues in between.

And blogging takes a backseat to living the life I've always dreamed but know only God and I can co-author together.  I'm letting him lead and enjoying the view from the passenger seat!

 And at the end of the day, I hang on to this:

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