Sometimes the people we are closest to. . .grow. Change. Morph into someone else right before our very eyes and we are left wondering if who they are becoming is who they are meant to be, or a symptom of a greater problem. And all we can do is pray.
I've spent my whole adult life setting a certain standard for my children. I have made stands, sometimes not looked upon favorably, to isolate them from people or familial situations we deem unhealthy or inappropriate. And the backlash is okay because my husband and I stand united. There was a time after my uncle's death that I regretted not spending more time with him around my kids; however, when he was drinking it wasn't healthy. End of story. No need for regret.
And so we move forward. One foot in front of the other. We pray. Sometimes that's all we can do for the people we love most who have walked off the only path they've ever known. We pray they will find God again and trust in His plan for their life. And we let go. There's just no use holding on to loss like this. Let go. Let God.
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