Tuesday, February 7, 2012

February 7, 2012

Totally appropriate to have Sally sign a page the baby got to, that's motherhood for you:)

I have so much to say and no idea where to begin.
First off, it truly takes a village to raise a family!  Huge thanks to my mom, dad, brothers, neighbor, and sisters-in-law who offered to help with the kids this weekend so I could attend my second Mom Heart Conference.  With a husband just having four wisdom teeth pulled and a sick son, I felt guilty at first for being away, but the Lord worked out all the details and I was able to be filled with inspiration and hope.

I expected to be encouraged and inspired here.  I was not disappointed!!
What I wasn't expecting was the constant tugging at my heart that somehow I had come full circle and God has great things in store for me!

 Not that I ever doubt that. . .it's just that I was able to meet Angela from Good Morning Girls and strangely enough, that's where all of this started for me--this deeper desire to have my own relationship with the Lord--to parent in a way that is more intentional, more Christ-centered. It all started with three friends who answered my plea for women of faith to walk with me on a God inspired journey and to dig into His word through daily bible reading.

My parents laid a fabulous religious foundation by sending me to Catholic school; however, this Catholic didn't do much digging in my own bible unless I was away at a church retreat or something of that nature.  For years we had religion books we learned from...not in depth bible studies--and perhaps that is part of why I fell away from the Catholic church for awhile. I wanted something that the Catholic Church could not give me...or so I thought. With the start of my group though I've come to realize what I was looking for was right in front of me all along.  My bible. . .His words to my heart, and an intimate relationship with my creator. I found, I've always had the power. 

Not long after my GMG group started, I read Mission of Motherhood and attended my first Mom Heart conference with Sally. Then I began to devour more of her books and subscribed to her blog I Take Joy.  In the meantime, things at home were much more intentional. . .my time with the kids, what we read, what we listened to, what we watched.  I became much more aware of the media around us and the messages they are sending my kids--too much, too soon and we began to make changes.  Just weeks ago I talked to Human Resources and have asked to reduce my contract to one day a week, or for a leave of absence.  I'm not sure what will happen, but I know a change is coming and I am excited at what this means for my children.  Lastly, I just started a book club with the book that started this journey for me and I am hopeful at what it might do in the hearts of other moms!

With all of this, then it makes complete sense (to me, at least) that this weekend felt like a huge gift just waiting to be unwrapped.  I love the woman's hearts I heard.  I love Sally and Clay's vision.  I am spending more time on these thoughts here:
  • The legacy we leave in the hearts of our children does not come about accidently.
  • I need to advocate for my kids more and be less adversarial. (I struggle here sometimes.)
  • You can't live by faith if listening to man. (I struggle with this one too.)
  • If you want to influence your child's heart, you have to know it.
  • There is great freedom for kids to be who they were meant to be. (Adults too!)
  •  Grace leads to Jesus. . .My heart can not give out what it has not taken in.
  • Don't believe what others say about your kids and who they think they are.  TRUST GOD!
I am especially bothered by: Whose voice am I listening to? Why? Fear of man brings a snare. . .live up to what God wants you to do. I'm sure there will be more to come. . .I'm still dissecting it all--piecing my notes together, pondering and praying, "God I will go.  God I will be your girl. . ."


  1. Wish we could have grabbed a cup of tea together this weekend. Maybe of the words that hit home for you shipwrecked me as well. Blessings on you and yours as you keep pursuing His wonderful will for your family. PS - just started a good morning girls group with some of my friends and have immediately found depth and safety and excitement in God's Word!

    1. Ohhh wonderful, Wendy! So glad you joined GMG! So excited for you! :)

  2. Ohhh thank you so much for sharing your post with me!!!! I LOVED it!!! So glad you came up to me and introduced yourself! :) You blessed me as well! :)




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