Monday, July 2, 2012

July 2, 2012

With life changing, our surroundings will be different. . .how does one go about negotiating even more change as it effects our children?  I have a fourth grader and a second grader.  They will no longer be living right across the street from their school, and I'm not sure what to do about it.  We are moving to a neighborhood that is a little older in population.  Many of the neighbors were there when I was growing up, and now their kids are all grown as well.  Going to school in our neighborhood would mean an opportunity to meet other kids who live closer and develop new relationships.

That being said, neither child is thrilled with the idea of changing schools.  I can't blame them.  The one time I did in my junior year of high school was a disaster.  I met a small group of girls who took me in and were wonderful, but the overall transition to such a huge place was scary and if I had to do it all over again:  I wouldn't.  So, I pray for direction.  I pray that I know where the right place will be.  I pray for peace of mind for all of us as decisions are being made and put into place.

Change is good.  But it can be scary.  And that is why I am unsure where to go from here.  I love these little guys so much and I want the best for them, which mom doesn't?  A lot to think about.  A lot to consider.  A decision to be made.

1 comment:

  1. With that face? He will have NO problem making new friends ;)


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