Saturday, January 5, 2013

A New Year

I've hemmed and hawed about blogging this year.  As I watch some of my blog sugar friends grow and branch out into other venues sometimes I've questioned what is my purpose in this space?  For two years I've evolved from a photo a day to finding my voice and writing down my words that are a part of my story.  This story that I've been passionate about sharing with our children since they were only a prayer in our hearts.  What used to be a fun hobby, scrapbooking, became burdensome, cumbersome, and not fun at all; howver, blogging is different.  And as I sent my 2012 book off to be published on Wednesday, I knew I wasn't done here.

This is my place to record my thoughts, prayers on my heart, memories of our ordinary days filled with absolute extraordinariness! In my attempt to be fear{less}this year, how can I not share this part of the adventure with my loves?  This is our written record of our days together, our metamorphosis into the beautiful creatures God has intended us to be.  I can not not write about it.

Pondering the closing of this space, may have partially been because lately I've been wrapped up in a story that is not my own and with that came the quieting of my own voice. I'm beginning to realize that sometimes when we love deeply, someone else's experiences may taint the pages of our story as we struggle to get them through it, to face the huge mountain right in front of them and figure out a way to get over it. And in those moments, my voice becomes a hoarse whisper, choked off in my throat because I can't do anything.  Not a single thing, except something, anything.  Does that make any sense at all?  It does to me because Love Does. So we've been doing quite a bit of just being these last days of vacation--enjoying our time together.

We rang in the New Year quietly since I've been sick and can not seem to shake it.  Stress does that to me, and I am just thankful God gifted me my health during the weeks I needed it most.

Pizza, poppers, dancing, and games filled our hours that night.  My brother visited for a little while which was a nice surprise.  Don't mind my pajamas( at least they matched)--I could have gone to bed at nine with the baby, but some other cute munchkins convinced me to party like a rock star! How could I say no to this kind of fun?!
This year my resolutions seem almost too simple, like nothing to write home about.  But their effect on my home is why I choose to do the following:
  1. Keep reading my bible daily.  Also see that the kids devotional Jesus Calling is read together before they are off to school.
  2. Get back on the bike.  I have only been on the bike once since Ernie's accident.  It is way nicer to wake up and do life together than to ride alone, but I must get back in the habit.
  3. I have to get outside daily.  Janessa needs this.  She longs to be with the big kids, so I have to make this a part of our daily routine. . .walk to the park, play in the front yard, get her a bike.  Anything will do.
  4. Start a book club.  I feel a stirring in my heart.  I just need to pray about it and go for it.
  5. Count my 1,000 gifts daily and read the book again. I have the DVD series too, so maybe this could be the book club?
  6. Keep simplifying with the home and shopping. Less is more. 
  7. Cooking rut be gone--I must get better about cooking again.  No excuses! Planning ahead is key.
  8. Be consistent with the kids and their rooms.
  9. Carve out some quality time with the big kids and Ernie.  dates need to start happening.  Be intentional! Be spontaneous!  Be better about going with the flow!!!
  10. Read aloud to the kids!!  Even though they are avid readers--I want this time with them--choose classics or favorites and stick with it!!!  Maybe one book to both big kids?

1 comment:

  1. God has plans for you, friend. He really does and keep your eyes laser focused on Him and Him alone.
    I am learning this too.

    So much love to you, today.


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